Famine in the land


Things Paul Never Wrote

By Rick Becker 14 May 2020 We identify false teachings by comparing them to what is clearly taught in scripture.  Sound exegesis of a text will separate truth from error, and expose the twisting of scripture. The reason false teachers have to ignore the context and distort the truth, is because what they teach is

Things Paul Never Wrote Read More »

Kris Vallotton fails to release purple bubbles, wants to send coronavirus to Mars.

By Rick Becker  14 March 2020 Two biblical signs of the last days are being fulfilled in our midst – the calamities in this world, and the proliferation of false prophets and false teachers. The former, being a threat to the latter – specifically the false prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation. These “prophets” for

Kris Vallotton fails to release purple bubbles, wants to send coronavirus to Mars. Read More »

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